Blog about Twitter

I think having a Twitter discussion is a lot more comfortable to have then a BlackBoard discussion. BlackBoard is considered a more academic platform where students are inclined to answer professionally, while Twitter is more of an "open platform" where students feel more comfortable in answering other colleagues. This also goes the same for an in-class discussion. In-class is even worse when it comes to responding truthfully. In conclusion, Twitter discussion is a lot more efficient when you want someone to answer how they really feel.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I definitely can relate to the idea of being much more professional in class and under blackboard. We are expected to build on ideas, or even disagree in a mannerly fashion; whereas on twitter, it's more straight to the point, and sometimes brutally honest. However, in some cases, like you mentioned, this might actually be a good thing, being the quickest way to the truth. Nice post!

  3. The points that you make in your post are very valid. I feel as though Twitter is designed for informal conversations as you can only use up to 140 characters. You could practically ask anything and figure since it's informal it doesn't matter how silly it sounds. Meanwhile on BlackBoard you have enough space to write as much as you want. Therefore, it's a bit more professional and you would have to word your sentences much better. I definitely do agree that Twitter would foster a conversation that expresses individual's true feelings.


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